Jim Rasberry named Jones College’s Outstanding Alumni of the Year; Nine Alumni honored during Homecoming 2023

ELLISVILLE – Jones College’s Alumni Association and Foundation’s expanded Alumni Recognition Program held during Homecoming celebrations on October 28, 2023, honored nine alumni including Laurel’s Jim Rasberry as the Outstanding Alumni of the Year.

“I have never felt so honored and so appreciated. The team here has been incredible we’re all appreciative of this award,” said Rasberry.

Jones College President, Dr. Jesse Smith shared before an audience of several hundred alumni and friends during the Homecoming Luncheon and Awards Presentation that this award was bestowed upon alumni of Jones College, recognizing the accomplishments and service of former students who have exhibited exceptional service and brought honor to the College.

“One of the qualities that we admire most about Jim is that he sees the true caliber of who we are, what we are, and our community, and how special we really are. He has gone on to be an advocate for revitalizing small-town America and if you look at what’s happened to our community that infectiousness is happening all across small towns in America. We are so proud of what you’re doing, what you have done, and what you continue to do,” said Smith.

Rasberry played golf in the National Junior College Championships in Chautauqua, New York, which was his first trip to New York and outside of Mississippi, while attending Jones College from 2001 until 2003.

“It was the first time I’d ever seen it, and the only time I had seen Niagara Falls. Traveling as part of the Jones Golf team and getting to see more than just what’s going on right here in South Mississippi was a great experience because of what Jones offered and being able to be a part of an organization. It was fun. I finished 19th in the country which wasn’t too bad,” said Rasberry.

Getting to know everyone on campus and building upon the friendships he began then, was one of the biggest surprises and life-changing experiences for the founder of Rasberry Financial Services. JC’s business division chair and accounting teacher, Rick Bedwell was one of the many people Rasberry met who influenced his outlook on life.

“What was great about that accounting class was learning the value of a great attitude because Rick Bedwell has an incredible attitude to this day. Every time he walked into the classroom with a smile on his face and a positive attitude, made me feel like you know what, I can conquer this. I may not feel great about what I’m getting ready to do, but I’m going to make it happen. So, getting that attitude from Rick Bedwell really set the tone for me and I really appreciate it,” shared Rasberry.

After graduating from JC, Rasberry earned a degree in business administration from the University of Southern Mississippi. He made his mark in the financial world when he founded Raspberry Financial Services in 2001 and established a premier firm in the Southeast. He has since been named a “Leader in Finance” by the Mississippi Business Journal and he has served as a financial advisor for the National Football League Players Association advisor program. Additionally, he is a partner in a historic real estate development firm and partner in the Laurel Mercantile Co. and Scotsman Manufacturing Co., in addition to serving on the board for numerous economic development related organizations over the last decade. His wife Mallorie and he have two daughters, Lucy and Lottie and have called downtown Laurel their home since 2009.  

Other Jones College alumni honored were recipients of the “Rising Stars,” Award, Lewis S. Bateman of Laurel and current Starkville resident, Mason Irby of Meridian and current Madison resident, Alise Mathews of Laurel, and Jermarcus Ross of Laurel. Three Jones College alumni, Dr. Leander Bridges II of Laurel, Ashely Dean of Clara, and current Lebanon, Tennessee resident, and Richton native and current Petal Resident, Austin Smith, each received the “Achievement and Excellence Award,” and Dr. Dewey Garner of Raleigh, and current Oxford resident, received the “Legacy Award.” All the honored alumni were recognized with a medallion during half-time of the football game before recognizing the Homecoming Court.

Danny & Gay Rasberry, Jim & Mallorie with Lucy and Lottie Rasberry