ELLISVILLE – Plans are underway to make Homecoming at Jones College a spectacular event this year with gatherings honoring the 50th reunion for the JCJC Class of 1974, and the 60th reunion for the Ellisville High School Class of 1964, along with the 1979 Championship Football Team and 10 Honor Alumni.
The weekend of activities will incorporate the Homecoming theme, “The Golden Era” beginning with Jones College students and faculty constructing floats on Monday, October 14, then a “Jones Got Talent” Show showcasing student talent will happen on Tuesday, October 15, outside on Centennial Plaza at 7 p.m., then the JC Jazz Band and Jones OnStage will entertain everyone on Wednesday, October 16, at 7 p.m. in the M.P. Bush Fine Arts Auditorium. On Thursday, October 17, at @7 p.m., the Homecoming Glow Pep Rally will be held at Centennial Plaza. The “Glow Pep Rally” is sponsored by the Student Government Association and will provide glow-necklaces and glow-sticks for everyone in attendance. This event will be canceled if there is inclement weather.
The 60th reunion for the Ellisville High School Class of 1964 will take place on Friday, October 18, in the C.L. Neill Student Center Banquet Hall. Class members are encouraged to meet and greet from 5 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m. Contact Jo Anna Newcomb in the Alumni Office for more information by calling 601-477-4145.

Homecoming Day, Saturday, October 19, will be a day filled with numerous activities and fun for all ages. Events will begin at 9 a.m. with a brunch for alumni and friends on the front lawn of the Terrell Tisdale Library. Members of the JCJC 1974 class will need to come by the JC Alumni Association table and check in during the brunch.
At 10 a.m. the Homecoming Parade will wind through the streets of Ellisville and the campus beginning at the Terrell Tisdale Library and will end outside of the M.P. Bush Fine Arts building on Bush Drive. The parade features floats made by the student body incorporating the theme, as well as the Maroon Typhoon Marching Band, JC cheerleaders, Touch of Gold, and of course, the 2024 Homecoming Queen and her court.

At 11 a.m. following the parade, the public is also invited to join the Jones family for a pep rally in front of the C.L. Neill Student Center, Centennial Plaza. At 11:30 a.m. the JCJC Alumni Luncheon will be held in the A.B. Howard Gymnasium. During this luncheon, the JC Honor Alumni, Hans Van Houten, Sawyer Taylor, Dr. Reyn Clark, Dr. Ben Stevens, Michael and Katye Howard, Dr. Jeffrey Carter, Ben and Erin Napier and Dr. Larry Guthrie will be recognized. Additionally, the JC Homecoming Court, and the members of the 50th Year Reunion for the Class of 1974 will be honored. Reservations for the luncheon can be made through the Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145 or by emailing, jcjcalumniinfo@jcjc.edu or the website: https://www.jcjc.edu/alumni_foundation/events/
“Tailgating under the Tents” will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the North Endzone of Bobcat Stadium/Sim Cooley Field for the Bobcat Club and the 1979 Championship Football Team.
The Homecoming pre-game festivities will begin at 2 p.m. with the marching band’s pre-game show in Bobcat Stadium/Sim Cooley Field. The game against East Central Community College will begin at 2 p.m.
Before the 2nd quarter, the 2024 Honor Alumni will be recognized and during halftime, the Homecoming Court will be presented with the crowning of the 2024 Homecoming Queen, Shaniyah Turner before the Typhoon Marching Band and Touch of Gold perform. The festivities will end with the announcement of Mr. and Miss JC before the 4th quarter. For more information call the Foundation and Alumni Office at 477-4145 or email jcjcalumniinfo@jcjc.edu