ELLISVILLE – Five sophomore art students, Dalton Burrell, Collins; Leah Byrd, Seminary; Natalie Graves, Hattiesburg Tanika Norsworthy Waynesboro and Keylan Walker, Mt. Olive, currently have several pieces of their artwork currently on display at the Eula Bass Lewis Art Gallery on the campus of Jones College in Ellisville, through April 24, 2024. Jones College Art instructor, Melanie Banks said this year’s show features a little bit of everything from the classes students take on campus including drawing and design to ceramics and painting. We cover all the bases.

“I’m really proud of these graduates, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for them,” said Eubanks. “I hope the public takes the time to see their artwork.”
Among the five Jones College sophomore’s displaying their artwork during the Sophomore Art Exhibit, one student earned a 2nd place ribbon at the Mississippi Community College Art Instructor Association’s statewide student art show. Hattiesburg’s Natalie Graves earned the Red Ribbon for her 3D design called, “Chaos from the Calm” using acrylic paint, modeling paste, paper towels and matboard.

“At first, I wasn’t too sure about it. I was like this looks like a crazy piece of mess. Until I just started putting it together and I was like, I could try to submit it to see if it’ll win anything, and sure enough it did. I was very surprised!” said Graves.
For more information about upcoming JC art shows or to arrange a visit to the gallery call 601-477-8401. The Eula Bass Lewis Art Gallery is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., and by appointment only on Wednesdays. The gallery is closed during the holidays. To learn more about the Jones College Art Department, https://www.jcjc.edu/programs/finearts/ or the JC Art Department’s social media: Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/JCJCFineArts/ and on Instagram @artatjonescollege.