ELLISVILLE-The fundraising goal for the first official, “Day of Giving” at Jones College was exceeded by more than $13,000. The original goal of $15,000 was met by 4 p.m. and by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, the total was $20,000. By 9 p.m., more than $24,000 was raised with an additional $2,000 added overnight and another $2,000 by noon on Friday. Overall, more than $28,000 has been raised with more expected for the one-day fundraising campaign for Jones College’s Foundation.
“We raised almost twice the amount we set as our goal in the 24 hours set aside for the ‘Day of Giving,’ thanks to the generosity and hard work of so many people. This reassures us we are using the funds wisely, and we are good stewards of the gifts given to the Foundation. These funds assist the college and its students and faculty through scholarships, hardship assistance and even classroom and lab modifications. The impact made on this one day will go a long way!” said V.P. of Advancement, Charlie Garretson.

Faculty and students helped to raise funds in various ways leading up to the “Day of Giving” with assistance from friends of the college, like retired, Jones College history instructor, Dr. Jim Read. He dropped off his donation in person to the Foundation Office. The former JC scholarship committee member said he knows how scholarships can impact the future of a students’ career path.
“Jones does a good job of reaching out to help students overcome financial and educational challenges. I felt it was important to contribute,” said Read.
The concerted effort to inform the public about how easy giving can be and who benefits from the JC Foundation’s donations was shared in various media venues. Numerous “Jones Stories” were posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter highlighting the impact Jones has made on alumni, faculty and students. Social media coordinator, Megan Clark’s work to share these testimonials leading up to the “Day of Giving” prompted alumna and former faculty member, Rebecca Patrick to pay a visit to the JC Foundation Office.

“Social media keeps me connected to the campus. Having a day set aside to give, encouraged me to make the effort to increase the scholarship my husband, Howard and my brother’s (Roy and Bruce) and their wives (Leisha and Belinda) endowed to honor our parents, Wilroy and Kathryn Ratcliff,” said Patrick. “Our parents were always helping people. Increasing the endowment will allow more scholarship money to help students and I’ve seen first-hand how Jones can make a little go a long way.”
The “Day of Giving” was an opportunity for anyone to help Jones College continue to offer excellence in education and inspire another generation to share the vision Jones College established in 1911. As donations poured in, some students had the opportunity to meet the donors who have invested in them through the Foundation. Laurel freshman, Madison Shoemake said she’s grateful for the support and is inspired by their gifts.
“As a pre-dental major, I will be in school for nearly 12 years. Receiving the James E. King Memorial Scholarship meant a lot to me because it helps me financially. However, I also think it’s important to give back and get involved in the college I love,” said Shoemake. “I’ve been inspired by those willing to help so many people they’ve never met.”
For more information contact the Jones College Alumni and Foundation Office at 601-477-4145. Keep up with the Jones College Alumni and Foundation Office through these social media venues: Facebook-JCJC Alumni and Foundation, Facebook-Jones College, Jones College-Twitter, and Instagram-JCFoundation_Alumni